Stop Searching “Tutor near me” for Math Help

“Tutor near me” – Math Project

“Tutor near me” search on Google is probably the easiest way to find a tutor who lives near your location, but that does not guarantee that you will find the best tutor for your child.

Math tops the chart of difficult subjects at school because students don’t find it exciting and often develop math phobia. As a result, they don’t study math with the same enthusiasm as other subjects. Moreover, a shortage of good math teachers and pedagogical violence make math learning even harder. With an ever-increasing number of tutoring services available, finding a nearby tutor is not a big deal, but finding the best math tutor certainly is.

Why Is the Search Term “Tutor near Me” So Popular?

The Google Trends graph for the keyword “tutor near me” indicates its popularity in Canada.

“Tutor near me” Google Trends – Math Project

These search terms are popular because students tend to hire a teacher nearby to save the time and travel expenses that otherwise go wasted in going to the tutoring center. This is a valid concern, as students have a lot on their plate, and adding a long commute to their daily routine can exhaust them. However, this strategy does not guarantee that you will find the best tutor. In fact, in many cases, the outcome is the opposite.

Why You Should Stop Using the Search Term “Tutor near me” for Math Help

If a tutor lives near you, it doesn’t outdo other tutors from other regions. The location should not be the selection criteria; rather, expertise and teaching methodology should be.

When you type the keyword “tutor near me” on Google, it restricts the search results to your region only. The search query also filters out those tutors from your list who may have excellent academic backgrounds and tutoring experience. As a result, you only get a handful of options, and you may end up hiring someone who may not have impressive credentials and relevant proof of successful tutoring. Also, during the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person tutoring has become very difficult, and going to a nearby math-tutoring center is not safe anymore. Therefore, it is better to explore different options so that you may not be back to the drawing board. An online math tutoring service is a viable alternative.

Why It Is Difficult to Find a Good Math Tutor

Finding a good math tutor is a daunting task for those students who don’t know what qualities they should be looking for in a math tutor. Here are three main qualities you should look for in a math tutor:

  • He/she should possess good conversational skills and keep the students engaged.
  • He/she should have a strong command of math.
  • He/she must be flexible and adjust the tutoring sessions according to the needs of the students.

How to Use Google Search Engine Wisely

As a first step, you should use keywords such as “math tutor”, “math tutoring online” instead of searching “tutor near me”. This will give you tons of results with flexible tutoring options. Next, you should review the profiles of the tutors and examine their expertise/teaching methodologies. Check out their success stories or reviews submitted by parents and students to ensure their credibility. It will help you make an informed decision about your child’s math education.

Math Can Be Fun If Taught by a Good Teacher

MathProject is an award-winning after-school math program and is trusted by parents around the globe. MathProject’s tutors make math exciting for students and help them perform better in the classroom and beyond. Call now at 1-844-628-4243 and book a free assessment with us.

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